
This repository uses K3s, a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads, packaged as a single binary that reduces the dependencies and steps needed to install.


To properly operate the cluster, install the following dependencies:

brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install --cask lens

During provisioning, the cluster .kube/config file is updated locally, refer to k3s_vars.cluster.kubeconfig variables defined into main.yaml defaults file.

The end-user can use kubectl to operate the cluster via local terminal, or Lens:

K3s: Lens


Lens automatically detects and exposes the metrics produced by VictoriaMetrics role.


Upon a new K3s version release, end-user can perform a role upgrade, which will schedule a Kured reboot.

Manual Upgrade

Once the role upgrade performed, end-user can choose to manually upgrade each cluster node. A node drain must be executed one node at the time, followed by a node reboot. Once the node is up and running, it can be uncordoned with Lens or kubectl, via local terminal:

kubectl uncordon <node>