The documentation is presented as a learning tool, allowing the end-user to understand all configuration and deployment aspects of a bare-metal based K3s cluster.
Cluster Hardware
The following hardware was used to deploy the cluster:
- 8 x Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with 8GB RAM
- 8 x GeeekPi Isolated PoE HAT for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
- 8 x Samsung PM883 240GB SSD, connected to same USB port
- 8 x SLK Tech Sata to USB cable
- UniFi UDM-SE cloud gateway, for dedicated network management
- UniFi USW-Pro-24-POE switch, powering the Raspberry Pi’s
Prior starting the cluster configuration, the end-user must determine if the network configuration can support load balancing with external IP addresses assigned from a load balancer IP pool. Some retail routers do not have this capability.
Dive right into the following section, to get started: